about 'Improve the World' Project

Remember, if enough people start believing that we can create the world without wars, inequalities, health and aging problems, evil superintelligence, etc., we can do it... it's only the matter of time, money, some luck... And if they tell you it's impossible, use math to show them that any impossibility is rather improbable, simply smile to them, start (keep) improving the world... and ask them to join, because...

We have only one of them, so it's important to care for it and improve it the way we can.


1. Think big, but keep it real.

2. Learn about history of the topic.

3. Interest more people in the topic.

4. Invite these people to interest even more.

5. Ask questions, finally you'll ask the right ones.

6. Share your knowledge and metaknowledge with others.

7. Learn about state of the art ideas used to solve the problem.

8. Invite others to share their knowledge and metaknowledge, too.

9. Do some research if you have enough expertise (but be careful).

10. Stay as positive as you can. If you can't, talk to someone about it.

11. Talk to your politicians about the problem and the possible solutions.

12. If you are a politician, talk to other politicians, try to figure out what could help the cause (but be careful).

13. If you want to invest money (fund sth), check what you're investing in (funding), to get the best possible outcome.

Read more about 'Improve the World' Project

    The world is the way it is. For some it's great, for others it's horrible. What is important it's that We can actually improve that world and make it better for everyone. It won't happen by night, but with everyday work we can address first small problems, simple to change, then bigger ones, and finally improve that world the way so we could say that now it actually is great for every human and every other living creature.

    While trying to improve the world it's important to remember that it can be like in the famous chinese saying: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" (Laozi). Improving the world is much longer journey, but it also starts with a single step. And follows with another and another little single step.

    'Improvetheworld.pl project' is following its own joruney and tries to help improving the world with the resources available to it. For now these are: words of encouragement for everyone trying to improve this world, ideas that could help, and sometimes help with data analysis and automation.

    There are five areas described at this site that a lot of people would consider important. These are five problems: health and aging problem, superintelligence problem, war/peace problem, inequality problem and inhuman problem. It's not all the problems of the world, but that is our first step.

    Each of these problems is very briefly described, so to help in understanding it. In the future these descriptions might change (as the journey lasts). For each problem there are also some goals described that could help to solve it. These goals will probably also change in time. With the goals there are also some ways for achieving them described that will be improving with time. And finally, each problem gets its Week for celebrating what was done to solve it, engage new people, and inform society about it.

    One of the most important problems of human world is that people die because of health problems. Some die because of infectious diseases, other because of autoimmune diseases, and a lot of other people "die because of old age". Of course, they don't die just because they are old, but they die (1) because their immunological system doesn't work in later years as good as it worked earlier and people are more prone to illnesses, (2) because their muscles are weaker (for example, heart muscle), (3) because their brains stop giving right commands to the rest of their bodies, etc..
    Eventually, even if wars, famishes, catastrophic events won't kill people, diseases and aging will. Therefore health and aging problems are on top of our 'problems to solve' list. That is something worth improving.

    The second problem that now is in its infancy, but potentially might become the existential threat to humanity is the problem of superintelligence. In recent years we've seen a new wave of interest in artificial intelligence and in creating general AI (AGI). That AGI might be very helpful in solving a lot of problems, but it also might be the beginning of the end. It might lead to creating the being that is much smarter than people in every possible way and with that much 'smart', the newly created Super AGI can either help us or do whatever it wants, if we don't create it the proper way. So 'superintelligence problem' is right after 'health and aging problem' on our list of things worth improving.

    The other big problems regarding human well being are wars which for some are just pictures in the TV or Internet, but for a lot of others are everyday bread. This problem does affect not only these who fight, but also these who try to run away from war and end up as refugees in not much better conditions.

    Then, there is social inequality problem that affects people all over the world. There are people who have everything they need and much more, and there are people living on the same street who doesn't have enough to feed their family. There is a lot of space for improvement in this aspect as well.

    And finally (as they say: last but not least) is the inhuman problem, that is the problem regarding every other being living in the Universe. This problem contains lots of small or big subproblems like: climate change, environmental pollution, access to clean water, supervolcano eruption threats, and many more.

    In 'improve the world' project we're trying to address these problems and find solutions that can help us - people and our planet.
    If you think the idea of improving the world is worth considering, that is awesome. And it'll be great pleasure for us, if you decide to share your ideas and information about your projects with us and join our efforts.

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